Although a formal committee of Brighton & Hove City Council, the Health & Wellbeing Board has a remit which includes matters relating to NHS Sussex, the Local Safeguarding Boards for Children and Adults and Healthwatch.
Title: Sussex Integrated Care Strategy Shared Delivery Plan (SDP)
Date of Meeting: 28 June 2023
Report of: The Executive Director, Health & Adult Social Care/The Managing Director, NHS Sussex (Brighton & Hove)
Contact: Giles Rossington, Policy, Partnerships & Scrutiny Team Manager
Tel: 01273 295514 |
Wards Affected: All
Executive Summary
The Health & Care Act (2022) established a new framework for integrated working on a regional footprint between NHS commissioners and providers, local authorities, and voluntary & community sector organisations: Integrated Care Systems. Our Integrated Care System covers Sussex (Sussex Health & Care). In addition to working together at a system level, partners will also work together at ‘Place’ (West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton & Hove).
Every Integrated Care System is required to agree a high-level five year Integrated Care Strategy. The Sussex strategy, Improving Lives Together, was adopted in late 2022. Improving Lives Together includes both system and place priorities, and was developed from the three existing Sussex Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategies and from the East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton & Hove Joint Strategic Needs Assessments.
Each Integrated Care System is also required to agree a Shared Delivery Plan (SDP), outlining the measures to be taken to deliver the Strategy’s system and place priorities. The SDP must be submitted to NHS England by 30 June 2023. SDPs must be presented to Health & Wellbeing Boards (HWB) in advance of submission.
Glossary of Terms Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): high-level strategy for the development of health, care and wellbeing services in a local area. Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA): joint (council and NHS) assessment of local health and care assets and needs. Integrated Care System: partnership of NHS, local authority, CVS and other organisations to plan and deliver health and care services on a sub-regional footprint (e.g. Sussex) Place: Planning areas within the Integrated Care System footprint (Sussex has three places Integrated Care Strategy: five year, high-level health and care strategy for Integrated Care System footprint and for places within the footprint. Informed by place JLHWS and JSNA Shared Delivery Plan (Joint Forward Plan): annually refreshed delivery plan for the Integrated Care Strategy
1. Decisions, recommendations and any options
1.1 That the Board note the Sussex Shared Delivery Plan, which is a five year plan to implement the shared ambition and priorities set out in the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy and Joint Brighton & Hove Health and Wellbeing Strategy;
1.2 Note the recommended planning milestones which also form the basis of the Brighton & Hove Place contribution to the Sussex Shared Delivery Plan (SDP), and;
1.3 Agree that the SDP takes account of HWB Strategy priorities, and supports delivery of place-based objectives.
2. Relevant information
2.1 Each Integrated Care System is required to agree a Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) to implement its Integrated Care Strategy. Guidance states that SDPs must be shared with local HWBs as early drafts and that a final draft must also be shared. An initial draft SDP was shared with and noted by Brighton & Hove HWB at the 07 March 2023 Board meeting.
2.2 The final draft of the SDP is presented to the Board at its 28 June special meeting. Department of Health guidance states that HWBs must be asked whether the draft SDP takes proper account of the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS). HWBs may escalate their concerns to NHS England if they believe that the draft SDP does not take proper account of the JLHWS.
2.3 The Brighton & Hove Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS) sets out a clear vision for the city: everyone in the city will have the best opportunity to live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. This vision is underpinned by eight principles:
1. Partnership & collaboration
2. Health is everyone’s business
3. Health & work
4. Prevention & empowerment
5. Reducing health inequalities
6. The right care, in the right place, at the right time
7. Engagement & involvement
8. Keeping people safe
Our JLHWS sets out the following key action areas of:
· Starting well
· Living well
· Ageing well
· Dying well
Our Brighton & Hove Place-based priorities, set out in the Shared Delivery Plan, have been developed to support the delivery of our JLHWS. These priorities have been informed through our Public Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessments, widely consulted on across local partner organisations and our local communities and agreed by our Brighton & Hove Health & Care Partnership. Our five Place-based priorities are:
1. Children & young people
2. Mental Health
3. Multiple long-term conditions
4. Multiple compound needs
5. Cancer
In addition to these five Place-based priority areas, the Shared Delivery Plan supports the Core20PLUS5 approach. This is a national programme and requires each System to identify its 20% most deprived areas, its Plus/inclusion population groups experiencing worst access, experience and outcomes, and plans to address five clinical priorities: Hypertension Treatment to Target, Chronic Respiratory Disease, Serious Mental Illness, Physical Health Checks, Cancer Early Diagnosis and Maternity Continuity of Carer. Our Brighton & Hove Health & Care Partnership have agreed our Brighton & Hove Plus inclusion groups as:
· Carers
· Children & young people in transition to adult services
· Globally displaced communities
The Shared Delivery Plan sets out in detail how we will deliver our Place-based priorities in year 1 and our aims over years 2-5 of the Shared Delivery Plan.
3. Important considerations and implications
3.1 As described in the body of this report it is a legal requirement for each Integrated Care System to agree an annual Shared Delivery Plan (SDP) which must be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) prior to submission to NHS England on 30 June. HWB must be satisfied that the SDP takes proper account of the Joint Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JLHWS): if the HWB is not satisfied then any identified concerns can be escalated to NHS England.
Lawyer consulted: Sandra O’Brien Date: 7 June 2023
3.2 The Sussex Integrated Care Strategy and Shared Delivery Plan will provide the integrated care system with a flexible framework which builds on existing system and place strategies and plans, including Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Strategies. The Shared Delivery plan outlines the measures to be taken to deliver the Strategy’s system and place priorities for the short and long-term.
This will inform budget development and the Medium-Term Financial strategy of the partner organisations, including the council. This requires a joined-up process for budget setting in relation to all local public services where appropriate, and will ensure that there is an open, transparent and integrated approach to planning and provision of services. Any changes in service delivery for the council will be subject to recommissioning processes and will need to be delivered within the available budget.
Finance Officer consulted: Sophie Warburton Date: 07/06/2023
3.3 Our Place-based priorities have been informed by our recent Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA). These Assessments include a formal approach to assessing equality implications especially for those with protected characteristics. This then informs the JSNA recommendations which are incorporated into our Shared Delivery Plan objectives. Each specific programme of work that is developed to support the delivery of our Place-based priorities includes a Health Equality Impact Assessment to ensure the programme promotes health equality and supports our statutory and legal responsibilities.
3.4 Many of the organisations involved in the Integrated Care System have sustainability targets (reducing carbon emissions etc.) and as the ICS develops there will be opportunities to align sustainability work.
Health, social care, children’s services and public health:
3.5 These implications are explicitly addressed in the body of the report and in the Shared Delivery Plan itself.
Supporting documents and information
Appendix1: The Sussex draft Shared Delivery Plan
Appendix 2: NHS England Guidance on Developing the Joint Forward Plan (Shared Delivery Plan):